The work comprises “Topographic survey using DGPS, Total Station, Auto Level and preparation of drawings using mapping software for Multi Modal Integration Plan for Delhi NCR Metro Phase‐I Stations ‐ Corridor 2 from Bhesan to Saroli”.
Detailed topographical Survey will be done to represent all the visible details of ground using DGPS and Total Station and Auto level along the corridor. The work will involve carrying out a detailed Topographic Survey along alignment (not less than 100m wide or up to built up lines whichever is more). Buildings falling in 100m wide corridor shall be closed. The elements must be surveyed including documentation of geo coded X, Y, and Z coordinates in a GIS platform.
The survey shall cover following features:‐
* Built up line to built up line (and show setback as well) inclusive of all roads, road/rail track showing important structures with their height and storey including depth of foundation based upon local inquiry.
Main roads, sub roads, and service lanes, as applicable.
* Signals /road marks.
* Intersection elements.
* Roundabouts.
* Medians / bollards / permanent barricades.
* Compound walls and each access point/gate.
* All utility (electricity, telephone etc.) poles/boxes.