Land Dividingn

One of the leading surveys company, based at Delhi. We are the combination of expertise, technology and highly innovative staff and latest equipments

Pipeline survey is the first step in planning and installing a safe water, oil or gas pipeline. San Survey Engineering provides a meaningful and cost effective alignment for pipe laying and prepares the necessary land accusation planning by Cadastral Survey.

A pipeline right-of-way is a strip of land over and around natural gas pipelines, with some of the property owner's legal rights have been granted to a pipeline operator. These easements can be both permanent and temporary, with temporary easements granting the pipeline company additional space during construction.

Accordingly, we introduce ourselves proudly as a coherent team of well experienced, Internationally trained globally accepted team of Engineers, Surveyors, Geotechnical experts, Transport Planners, and natural resources Scientists.

We will further respond with all the details on your kind response to our introduction. We are also in a hope of a long term commitment with the agency having vision, understanding And appreciation of the excellence like that of yours.