Land Dividingn

One of the leading surveys company, based at Delhi. We are the combination of expertise, technology and highly innovative staff and latest equipments

Longitudinal Section:

A Long Section is a profile view of a surface along a particular route, which plots elevation against the distance along the route e.g ground profile along the center line of a road, railway or river.

In a long section, elevations are determined along a fixed route.

Cross Section

A cross section is a profile view of a surface at right angles to a particular route. e.g. at right angles to a road, river of railway. It plots elevation against the distance along the cross section line.

Cross section measurements are normally taken at a regular intervals along the route.

Accordingly, we introduce ourselves proudly as a coherent team of well experienced, Internationally trained globally accepted team of Engineers, Surveyors, Geotechnical experts, Transport Planners, and natural resources Scientists.

We will further respond with all the details on your kind response to our introduction. We are also in a hope of a long term commitment with the agency having vision, understanding And appreciation of the excellence like that of yours.